Let's Chat About...Fall Baking

I don't know about you but Fall just gives me a feeling inside! It's hard to explain but I imagine you can relate? It's everything from the leaves turning, pumpkin patches & harvest, to wearing hoodie sweatshirts, burning candles and baking.

This week I am going to do some fall baking. I received fresh apples from a friend who has an abundant apple tree! To be honest, I'm not much of a baker, but I do have my specialties! Hence, apple crisp is not one of them. So, this will be a bit of an experiment. The recipe I am using, comes from an old standby cookbook of mine. I have had it for many years, and it's one of those "go-to" kind of cookbooks that has everything you need. What makes this cookbook special is that it was locally created by women in the community submitting their favorite dishes.

I started my apple crisp by peeling and slicing 8 cups of apples (I made a double batch) and added the ingredients from there. I have to admit, this was my first time using this recipe. I was very happy with the final outcome...and so was my family!

That afternoon, when Gretta came home from school, we decided to bake some pumpkin bars. These are her favorite and I will attest that this is indeed my specialty! Although she did most of the work this time, I must say that they turned out pretty darn good! These freeze really well and are easy to just pull out and serve as needed.

So, if fall has you in the mood to do some baking, as it did me, I say "Go For It"! It's something you won't regret...um well, maybe your waistline will, but your friends and family will adore you! Please share in the comments below some of your favorite things to bake in the fall, and / or recipes!

Happy Fall Ya'All! We want to hear from you...what's your angle>